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Recovery Resource Videos

Mental & Behavioral Health & Addiction Recovery Information - Straight from the Source

Hired Power webinars provide cutting-edge knowledge from expert recovery staff and industry leaders to viewers worldwide.

Learn more about addiction, healing families, recovery journeys, and what Hired Power can do by viewing past webinars below.

Or, review our other Recovery Resources at the link.

Discover the Power of Hired Power Services


Safe Passage: From Here to There

At Hired Power, it is the cornerstone of our mission to meet our clients where they are; and, as experts in the field of addiction and mental health recovery, we know that providing safe passage can often be the determining factor in getting an individual to or from the desired destination safely. In this video, Hired Power’s President and CEO, Nanette Zumwalt, In Balance Continuum of Care’s Patrick Barrasso, and therapeutic educational consultant Carson Parker share their extensive experience and expertise on the importance of transport services, the difference in clients who utilize this service, and the many benefits that it can offer those seeking treatment.


The Truth Behind Interventions

What really happens in an intervention? It might not look like what you see on TV. In this webinar, Hired Power President and CEO Nanette Zumwalt joins interventionist and psychotherapist Brad Warner, and interventionist and certified drug & alcohol counselor Lee Fitzgerald, to debunk common myths about interventions. Watch until the end to see Nanette, Brad, and Lee answer live audience questions about this important service.


Creating Connection Between Incarceration and Community

Hired Power’s own Harold Owens and Deidre Fitzpatrick are joined by Jail Guitar Doors USA’s Wayne Kramer for an in-depth conversation on drug addiction, incarceration, and the many ways that Hired Power can help people caught up in or confronting legal issues.

America’s incarcerated population is growing rapidly - with the highest incarceration rate worldwide. This is why we are dedicated to serving the incarcerated and offer many services in this area. 

From writing alternative sentencing letters to offering our Monitoring, Safe Passage, and Case Management services to support the defendant when released from jail or coming up on their release date, Hired Power is here to help.

Discover the Power of Help for Your Family


A Family’s Journey to Recovery

Between festive decorations throughout town, media outlets portraying perfect families laughing and smiling, and the many holiday parties on the calendar, the holiday season can be particularly challenging for those in mental health and addiction recovery. In this webinar, Hired Power welcomes Adam Smith and his mother Terry Smith for an inside look at navigating the complex dynamics of family, the holidays, and addiction.


Suicide: Are You or a Loved One at Risk?

The World Health Organization has estimated that approximately 1 million people die from suicide each year – the equivalent of one death every 40 seconds. In the United States alone, suicide claims nearly 45,000 lives each year, making it the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S, and the second leading cause of death of 15- to 29-year-olds. In this webinar, Hired Power's former Director of Client Services, Brandi Bradbury, and Shannon Decker, Executive Director & Co-Founder at The Speedy Foundation, educate us on suicide’s causes and warning signs - and provide us with the tools you may need to help save a life.


The Family Dance of Addiction

Hired Power President & CEO Nanette Zumwalt is joined by Dr. Brad Reedy, Co-owner and Clinical Director of Evoke Therapy Programs, to discuss the interplay between codependency and addiction. Together, Nanette and Dr. Reedy explore the myth of cause-and-effect when it comes to our relationships with those we love, the ways in which we inadvertently reinforce dynamics that we don’t want to see continue, and how attachment wounds and patterns from childhood often provide faulty templates for current relationships. At the end of this webinar, Dr. Reedy and Nanette answer questions from our live webinar audience.


Dance With Addiction: Part II

In many cases, the first step in recovery is a loving family member teaming up with a trained professional to directly address their loved one’s pain by holding an intervention.

At Hired Power, our team of professionals is with you from the very beginning. We understand that when you realize the severity of addiction in a loved one’s life, you may feel powerless, not knowing what the right next step is.

Watch this webinar to learn more - and when you're ready, give us a call.

Discover the Power of Perspective


Eating Disorders vs. Disordered Eating  

This is a can't-miss, in-depth conversation on eating disorders, disordered eating, and how to conquer both.

Hired Power’s own Deidre Fitzpatrick and The Anchor Program’s Carolyn Coker Ross return for part two of their conversation on eating disorders and disordered eating. Join the two experts as they explore the wide range of eating habits that can be defined as disordered eating. Plus, they help us navigate our eating habits and how we can truly remove shame and make peace with food once and for all.


Mindfulness in Mental Health

Are you experiencing the weight of stress and fatigue and looking to improve your mental health through a holistic approach?

In this webinar, join three industry experts as they cut through the noise surrounding mindfulness and holistic approaches for mental health. Together, they discuss these techniques: what they are, how they can be put into practice, and what implications they can have on a person’s mental well being.


Unplug to Reconnect

While the many devices we carry with us day to day may serve as valuable tools for our everyday life, compulsive overuse can interfere with our work, school, and even our relationships. With many finding it difficult to stop themselves from repetitively scrolling and checking notifications, it may be time to reassess technology use. In this webinar, our very own President and CEO, Nanette Zumwalt, joins Dr. Don Grant, Executive Director of Outpatient Services at Newport Healthcare to educate us on the very present threat of process addictions, including the addiction to technology.

Discover the Power of Deeper Understanding


The Hidden Epidemic

The recent rise in overdose deaths has less to do with increases in the rate of addiction - and more to do with exposure to fentanyl and other synthetic opioids. Interestingly, many people who died from an overdose were never addicts. They simply did not know that their drugs contained fentanyl, how harmful this substance can be, and/or what to do in a fentanyl-induced emergency. Why is that?

In this educational webinar, Deidre Fitzpatrick and Dr. Mario San Bartolomé provide the facts about fentanyl and synthetic opioids, along with harm reduction and prevention techniques that can help to stop this ever-growing hidden epidemic. Furthermore, they share how people can easily test drugs for fentanyl and how to reverse its effects if someone is overdosing.


Not Your 1980’s Marijuana

What are the facts about the marijuana of today? We know it contains more than 100 potentially psychoactive ingredients - and only a few of them have ever been studied. So, what is the risk or reward when it comes to our youth and the young adult population? Many people assume that addiction treatment programs hold a rigid line on total abstinence; yet, there is a significant gray area. In this webinar, clinical psychiatrist & Medical Director at Yellowbrick, Dr. David Baron, presents the latest medical and scientific research, and former Director of Client Services at Hired Power Brandi Bradbury discusses case studies that illustrate what treatment providers, parents and the community at large need to know to gain confidence and understanding.

Discover the Power of Connection


Celebrating a Life of Recovery

In honor of Sober October, Hired Power's Harold Owens hosts actor Kevin Chapman to discuss what long-term sobriety looks like - and how to find it. As seen on “Person of Interest,” “Brotherhood,” “The Boondock Saints,” and many more, Kevin Chapman has made his mark in the film and television world. What many might not know, however, is that while cultivating, Chapman was also beginning his road to sobriety. Get a glimpse of what recovery looks like in the entertainment world - and beyond.


Building an Accountability Partnership to Support Recovery  

Hired Power Recovery Case Manager Laura Crossett is joined by Jacob Forsyth, Executive Director of Willow Tree Recovery, to discuss options to build an accountability partnership, trust, and support system for clients and families. Laura and Jacob also share their unique perspectives and personal success stories about how an accountability partnership (monitoring program) impacted their lives, supported their personal goals of success, and led them to the lives they have today. At the end of this webinar, Laura and Jacob answer questions from our live webinar audience.


2 Critical Resources Your Business Should Be Leveraging

Whether you are just getting started or thriving as a behavioral health facility, it is imperative to leverage outside resources to ensure your business stays ahead and stays profitable. However, behavioral health is a highly unique specialty that requires specialized services, and finding the right resources takes time. This webina brings together the very best in their industries to assist in your growth: Coronis Health offers excellent solutions for all of your medical billing needs, and Hired Power (the leaders in their field) provide support to you and your clients before, during, and after treatment.

Still Seeking Solutions?

Hired Power has more than 20 years of experience in every aspect of the entire recovery process, and a network of helping hands to make sure we can ease every step of every recovery journey.

Find out what the power of a support network can do for you. We’re here for you, 24/7.