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Mental & Behavioral Health Recovery Services

Intervention, Safe Passage Transport, Case Management, & More

Hired Power was founded in 2002 to meet the needs of a community in crisis.

More than 20 years later, mental and behavioral health disorders including trauma have exploded into an epidemic. Individuals across the country are facing challenges they are not equipped to conquer on their own. 

For decades, Hired Power has been a resource offering custom solutions for individuals working to find lasting mental and behavioral health recovery.

It's our purpose — and your solution.

addiction treatment services

Why Mental & Behavioral Health Treatment is Necessary

The nation is facing a mental and behavioral health epidemic, and Hired Power knows that the story goes beyond the statistics. Any mental or behavioral health challenge is debilitating — for the individual and families experiencing it. It has an impact on the entire community.

The Hired Power mission is to grant every individual the chance to experience comprehensive guidance, effective treatment, and unwavering support on their recovery journey — no matter what they are navigating. Reach out to the Hired Power team to find the solution.

What is Dual-Diagnosis Mental & Behavioral Health Treatment?

Mental and behavioral health disorders are often part of a larger constellation of concerns.

For example, PTSD and substance use disorder are frequently linked; or, depression and anger management issues.

Dual-diagnosis treatment looks at the client as a whole, identifying any co-occurring disorders so they can be treated simultaneously and comprehensively.

Hired Power team members are experienced, educated, vetted, and equipped to support individuals struggling with mental health issues and substance use symptoms — and they collaborate effectively with clinical partners.

Learn more about the Hired Power approach to addiction recovery at the link.

Trauma-Informed Treatment

Any overwhelming experience is traumatic — and leaves lasting emotional scars that cause destructive behavioral patterns. Bullying, the death of a loved one, or even career changes plant the seeds of trauma.

Hired Power is the trusted guide for any healing journey. Offering recovery services designed to facilitate recovery from trauma of all kinds, the Hired Power team has deep experience and training in modalities to help individuals heal. 


Mental & Behavioral Health Recovery Solutions

The Hired Power team is dedicated to utilizing the most effective and innovative services to treat every individual. Client recovery plans may include:



For Substance Use Disorders, Compulsive Behaviors & Mental Health Challenges

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Safe Passage Transport

Personal safe and structured transitions for Adults and Adolescents, blending compassion with professionalism and experience.

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Personal Recovery Assistants (PRA)

Our Signature Service (a.k.a. Sober Companion)

case management

Case Management

Guidance and support for clients and families as they transition through the recovery journey



Sobriety and medication support provided through data driven outcomes utilizing daily check ins, random testing and emotional support

coach connect

Virtual Coaching

Coaching available no matter where you are. Support in establishing and implementing a daily recovery plan and the actions necessary to reach your goals

family recovery services

Family Support for Mental & Behavioral Health Recovery

Family-owned for more than 20 years, Hired Power understands that a healthy environment can make all the difference in recovery. Mental and behavioral health challenges create havoc and take a toll on the entire family system. That’s why Hired Power is committed to serving individuals and families with compassion and efficiency throughout their loved one’s treatment, offering family case management, guidance, coaching, and tools for healing.

Mental Health Recovery Outcomes

Hired Power’s mental health recovery services can help individuals find new strength in a variety of areas, including: 

Establishing a Life Worth Living

Improving Overall Quality of Life

Life Skills Development

Memory, Focus, Planning, Time Management, Task Initiation, Observation & More

Fostering Medication Compliance

Independently or in Coordination with Care Providers

Emotional Regulation Capacity

Increasing Stress Tolerance, Flexibility, & More

Building Recovery Capital

Live The Best Life Possible

Community Connections, Relationships & Resources

With Providers, Peers, & Professional

Recovery Services for Mental Health Disorders 

Hired Power experts are equipped to serve clients with a variety of mental health disorders, including:

  • ADHD
  • Anger
  • Autism
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Depression
  • Disordered Eating
  • Gambling
  • Gaming
  • Mood Disorders
  • OCD
  • Panic Disorder
  • PTSD
  • Shopping
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Trauma
  • And More

For more information, contact our team via chat or at the link below. There is more to be discovered on the other side of healing.

Find Your Recovery Solution

With more than 100 years of collective experience, there isn't a challenge that the Hired Power team hasn't seen, conquered, and healed.