Depade is an opiate receptor antagonist, so it works by blocking the effects of opiates on the body. It can be an effective part of opiate treatment programs when used correctly. We’ll explore how the drug works on opiate addiction and what to expect during treatment.
Depade for Opiate Treatment
Opiate addiction occurs when a user no longer has the ability to control their drug use. With most drugs, chemical, genetic, and physiologic factors all play a role in the development of an addiction. However, because of how addictive heroin and other opiate drugs are, it is believed the chemical properties play a bigger role than genetic or physiologic factors.
Dependence on opiates is established quickly by changing the user’s brain chemistry in order to reinforce their urge to continue using the drug. Once dependence is established, users will likely experience some degree of withdrawal when attempting to quit using. This is where a medication like Depade comes in that can help these side effects.
Depade binds to opioid receptors, like opioids, however rather than activating the receptors, it effectively blocks them. This prevents opioid receptors from being activated by heroin or prescription pain killers. Depade has also been reported to prevent relapse and reduce cravings.
Depade Prescriptions
Prescriptions for Depade can be obtained by any medical professional who is licensed to prescribe medicine—a physician, physician assistant, doctor of osteopathic medicine, or nurse practitioner are all examples. It is important to note that Depade will only be effective if it is used in conjunction with an addiction treatment program. A doctor can help recommend counseling sessions, education programs, and support group meetings, among other activities and treatments to support recovery.
Depade comes in tablet form and can be taken under supervision in a clinic or treatment center, or at home. At home, it is usually taken once per day with or without food, and in a clinic or treatment facility, it may be taken once every day, every other day, every third day, or every day except Sunday. When prescribed by a physician to take at home, be sure to follow directions carefully, and ask a pharmacist or doctor if you have any questions.
Despite how effective Depade can be in blocking cravings for opiates, it is not helpful in treating the underlying cause behind an addiction. So, when seeking treatment for an opiate addiction, it is important to incorporate behavioral and psychological treatment programs in order to address any underlying issues.
For help with any questions regarding Depade or opiate addiction and treatment, contact Hired Power today at 800-910-9299.