The powerful synthetic stimulant MDMA has been popular at clubs and festivals for decades. In the 80s and 90s it was referred to as ecstasy. Today, it goes by the name “Molly.” MDMA has become mainstream in youth culture, many thanks to celebrities and singers popularizing Molly as a safe, high-class, even sexy drug.
Symptoms of MDMA Intoxication
The effects of MDMA alone are physically dangerous and lead to risky behavior. These include:
– euphoria
– friendliness
– empathy
– increased energy
– anxiety nausea
– chills
– jaw clenching
– high blood pleasure
– sweating.
Symptoms of An MDMA Comedown
The chemical name for MDMA is 3,4 methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine, but authorities find many more chemical concoctions in most of the “MDMA” they seize—yet another reason parents should speak with their teens before allowing them to attend music festivals and dance clubs, as well as pay close attention to their behavior. Most of the time, parents can’t tag along with their teens to parties and festivals. What they can see, especially at home, is the MDMA comedown.
During an MDMA high, the central nervous system goes into overdrive producing the feel-good-chemicals serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. The supply is quickly depleted, and for several days after the MDMA high wears off, users feel depressed, fatigued, and overall low.
MDMA Addicted Behavior
Aside from comedown symptoms, a blatant sign that someone you know is abusing drugs of some sort is persistent trouble with the law and with self-preservation. The sense of confidence you get from MDMA drives many to perform risky actions and behaviors that may get them arrested or seriously risk or injured. Sexually transmitted diseases are often the result of unprotected, drug-fueled sexual encounter. Every year thousands of people end up in the hospital after having some sort of accident while on MDMA.
Overdose isn’t uncommon either. Most MDMA comes from the palm of a stranger, a tablet of ambiguous dosage. What seems like a tiny pill can have a huge effect. Further, after taking MDMA, some users become so elated by the high that they take more and more. Many MDMA users like to mix in other drugs, too–especially alcohol.
Should MDMA Users Get Treatment?
If you have reason to believe that someone you know is abusing MDMA, don’t feel the need to hold your tongue because “it isn’t addictive.” Research has shown that MDMA can be addictive for some people, both chemically and psychologically. It is one of the milder addictions, but that’s not a reason to shrug it off, it’s just another reason to get help: the problem is highly treatable.
To get help for MDMA addiction, contact Hired Power today: 800-910-9299