Sober Companions and Ethics
Ethics is quite the touchy subject in the field of recovery. You have clientele that, prior coming to you, have created a world of destruction and are the kings and queens of self-sabotage. When they are in the beginning of their new life journey, placing their trust and life in the hands of another is nothing short of terrifying. There is a complete depletion of trust within themselves, so being able to have a safe place is vital for these broken individuals.
Not every business that is recovery-based will be in it for the same reason. Reality: Some individuals choose this career path solely based on receiving a significant financial gain and there are others who strive to display recovery in their actions with their business. Being ethically strong says a lot about a company, it says a lot about the individuals who work for the company, and will be important to represent integrity to insure the best possible safety and care of the client.
The Sober Companion‘s main purpose is to ensure that their client(s) remain abstinent and transition safely to and from their destination whether it is treatment or their prior living situation. Sober companions also help reinforce the positive side of sobriety and recovery to their client when they have doubts about getting clean and sober. Some of these clients have never experienced true companionship or never had a level of identification with a human being until transitioning into recovery,
There are several ways you can determine if a Sober Companion is ethically “fit.” Recovery companies that are indeed in it for the well-being of the client will be in fit condition ethically speaking and train their staff on the importance of this important component to keeping their mission statement alive, a healthy company afloat, and a higher success rate with their cliental.
Here are a few ways to determine if a Sober Companion (and the company the sober companion comes from) are ethical:
- The sober companions main purpose is to SELFLESSLY cater to the well being of the client who is battling an addiction of sorts and act as a strong support without receiving any personal gain or have any agenda.
- A Sober Companion IS NOT a professional representing any 12 Step group, such as AA. A Sober Companions position is to support and assist the client into a safe transition and give helpful suggestions, which can help clients end up in their recovery program of choice if seen fit.
- Sober Companions can help give helpful suggestions and insight into what treatments, detoxes, or recovery communities may be helpful for their client. What a Sober Companion DOES NOT do is offer primary care treatment to the client and they cannot diagnose the client. They do not act as doctors or therapists. Their primary purpose to act as a strong, sober, clean, and safe support to help these newly sober/clean clients transition safely.
These individuals deserve a chance at trusting life and if they have been somehow linked with a sober companion, and if matched with a Sober Companion that lives by their company’s code of ethics, this client has a chance at life and the potential to have the seed of recovery planted.
For more information about Hired Power or our Recovery Assistance Services, please feel free to call us anytime at 800-910-9299 or you may email us.