Fear can be a powerful motivator, but it often motivates us down the wrong path. If you let fear consume your thoughts and color your decision, fear can halt your personal and emotional growth. In these cases, fear is keeping you from reaching your full potential and getting in the way of opportunities you could seize. However, most people learn that their fears are irrational and cannot hold them back.
If you grew up in a house with addiction or alcoholism, you probably learned that your fears can come true, and this is why you have to conquer the fear that addiction brings. Long ago you learned the monsters were real, and you learned to live in a way to keep them away from you. Now, you have to learn from the past, but also let go of things that hold you back from ultimate success.
Free Yourself from Fear
In order to free yourself from fear, you need to face your demons. What fears are actually realistic? What fears can you discard and conquer? Figuring out what your fears even are can be difficult, as you may not be able to tell what is actually behind it all. You don’t have to start facing your fear by changing everything about yourself. All you need to do is understand why you fear what you fear, and the rest can come later.
By explaining why you are afraid, you can get to the root of the problem. After you understand the actual issue, you can begin to come up with solutions to treat the problem. Try to argue with your fear, using logic and facts to fight. Does your fear make sense today, or is it a fear from long ago that’s carried into your modern world? Many things you believed when you were young are no longer valid. Fear can be the same way. By evaluating whether or not you actually have reason to be nervous, you are one step closer to conquering your fear.
After you have evaluated, identified, and reasoned with your fears, decide what to do with them. Either reject them, replace them, or accept them as accurate. If the fears are no longer true, don’t be afraid to discard them. There is no need to hold yourself back if you are capable of letting the fears go. You can also change the fears to apply to your life currently, so you can be alert but not hold yourself back. If your fears have changed or apply in different ways, replace them. You have to be able to work through your fear in order to be able to improve. However, you don’t have to change everything all at once. Embrace the fact that you can’t control your fear completely yet, and accept that you still have to work on managing your fears.
Many people try to face their fears alone. However, a main part of working through your fears effectively involves allowing yourself to ask for help, comfort, and guidance from others during this difficult time.
Hired Power is here to help you work through recovery processes and receive guidance on issues and treatment. If you want to begin working with a trained specialist today, call 800-910-9299.