If I am on Methadone, am I Still in Recovery?
Methadone is a harm reduction medication used to treat opiate dependence and withdrawal. By taking methadone, you avoid experiencing withdrawal. You may have found that you are able to focus on counseling, work, or family obligations more by being on methadone.
There has been a lot of debate over sobriety and methadone use. Some feel that you cannot be in recovery and be on methadone. Others believe that as long as you don’t use heroin or your drug of choice, you are in recovery.
Methadone is a form of replacement therapy. Methadone works by blocking withdrawals and for some people, methadone prevents the euphoric feeling that opiates provide. People who take methadone attend clinics, see a medical doctor for adjustments to dose, and can see a counselor or attend groups.
Methadone is still a mood altering substance. Methadone can be purchased illegally like any street drug. Methadone can be abused. Certain medications like xanax, valium, or narcotics can cause potentially fatal interactions when taken with methadone.
Recovery is really an individual process, meaning that only you can decide if you are happy in your recovery efforts. Technically, taking methadone is not the same as attending 12 step meetings and working an abstinence based program. However, this does not mean that you are not recovering.
If you are considering taking methadone, talk with a medical or treatment provider to see if this is the best option for you. Remember, methadone works by preventing withdrawals because methadone is a synthetic opiate. A proper dose of methadone should never make you feel euphoria, but some people still feel a euphoric feeling.
When you talk to a provider, tell them how long and what routes of administration you used. If you have been using a shorter amount of time, a detox and treatment program may provide better results. When you are in a methadone clinic, you need to get up everyday and go to a clinic. Being on methadone may mean a 12 month or longer commitment.
People should not stay on methadone forever, although some do stay on a methadone program for years. When you decide to stop taking methadone, you will need to detox from it. This process could take quite some time.
All in all, if you are looking for immediate help for opiate withdrawals, a methadone program could be a good way to start recovery. Many experts agree that ideally you should detox in a treatment center and go through an abstinence based program to truly be in recovery. However, if methadone is working for you and you have seen positive changes in your life, this is still progress and progress is part of recovery.
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