How to Spot a Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine is a dangerous drug and spotting the signs of addiction can be difficult. The drug is a powerful stimulant, affecting the central nervous system and increasing the dopamine production in your brain. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter associated with pleasure. Regular use of cocaine can lead to cravings and addictions, as this drug is one of the most addictive stimulants available. Getting treatment for cocaine addiction is essential to recovery, and treating the addiction sooner rather than later is paramount.
There are several signs that can mean you or your loved one is addicted to cocaine. If you repeatedly use cocaine for a substantial period of time, you can develop tolerance. Tolerance means you require a larger dosage of cocaine to produce the same feeling of euphoria that you felt the first time you took it. Withdrawal symptoms can also indicate an addiction. If you experience agitation, restlessness, or depression when you are not using cocaine, you may be addicted. Dosage increases that you didn’t originally plan on can be an indicator. Some addicts feel loss of control because they want to decrease or stop using the same amount of cocaine, but they are unable to do so. This lack of control can be startling and, in some cases, is the main sign that you are addicted to cocaine.
In other cases, addiction is accompanied by obsessive thinking. Addicts can spend most of their time thinking or trying to obtain cocaine. Because the drug is such a strong stimulant, obsessiveness is a common side effect of the drug. Priority changes in social, occupational, and recreational activities can also accompany addiction. The addict may lose interest in activities they previously enjoyed or participated in frequently. If the individual continues to use cocaine in spite of the harm and damage it inflicts on their body and life, they may be addicted. By continuing to use despite having knowledge of all of the negative effects, they are demonstrating their lack of control and management.
Although it may be difficult, you need to not enable the addict by providing extra money, transportation, or a place to stay. Be aware of various other signs of the addiction like restlessness, nervousness, depression, mood swings, weight loss, amnesia, isolation, financial problems, new friends or surroundings, poor hygiene, and fatigue. The best way to help your loved one is by confronting them about the problem and providing them with a different way of living.
If you have a loved one that is addicted, you can provide help by first planning an intervention. You should hold the intervention in a safe environment where the addict won’t feel attacked. In order to provide the best treatment and support for the addict, you can seek professional help and guidance for your intervention and recovery advice. Inpatient treatment can last from 3-6 months, and it can provide your loved one with a safe environment that has professional help. Outpatient treatment can be helpful as well, with psychological guidance, group therapy, and relapse prevention. In addition, support groups like 12-step programs or group therapy can prevent relapse and encourage sobriety.
Hired Power can help you find the best recovery process for your individual situation. Call 800-910-9299 for information on how to begin the recovery journey today. The trained professionals can help you through the intervention process and help you find the right therapy for you. Get the recovery experience you deserve, and call Hired Power today!