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Finding a Recovery Coach in Southern California


Hired Power, located in Southern California, can provide round-the-clock resources to a client struggling to maintain a clean and sober life, or a client battling any other form of addictive or damaging behaviors. At Hired Power, we understand the isolation and loneliness that often accompany big changes to a person’s life in early recovery.

A recovery coach may be a great option. A recovery coach’s job is to help their client to promote positive changes in their lives. Breaking through addiction and forming a new way to approach life is not easy, and with a recovery coach you don’t have to do it alone. The Hired Power team, located in Southern California, can help clients to develop a plan and find a recovery coach that will best suit their individual needs. The recovery coaches at Hired Power can help re-establish a feeling of purpose to the client’s life. They can provide safety and structure to further encourage an environment that is conducive to recovery from any addiction. A recovery coach can teach a client how to implement recovery-based actions into their daily lives. By having a recovery coach with a client in their day-to-day lives there is opportunity for teaching and growth. It may be that client is returning to work, school, or trying to attend regular meetings, such as AA. A Hired Power recovery coach will help the client through these transitions and changes, so it becomes easier and more comfortable. A recovery coach can help a client to identify their triggers and personal road blocks. In gaining this understanding, valuable information can be learned an applied to future thoughts, behaviors, and situations.

At Hired Power, we have a solid commitment to strong ethical conduct. Our recovery coaches at Hired Power are devoted to professionalism, safety, and responsibility. In addition, we highly value the anonymity and confidentiality of our clients.

Knowing what to do in early recovery can be confusing and scary. At Hired Power, we can help to confront obstacles to recovery with a clear perspective and skilled professionals. Our team can give you the extra help you need to succeed.