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Your Sober Time is Important

Sobriety can be a challenging road for even the most seasoned veteran in recovery. Life does not stop just because a person is in recovery, it continues to ebb and flow. Some people may wonder what to expect in sobriety or whether it really matters how a person spends time in sobriety. A person’s attitude while sober can make the difference between a long term recovery and potential risk of relapse. The following tips may be helpful for people struggling with sober living.


Time Heals

Time does not wait for people to catch up to it, time continues to move forward whether people like it or not. No shortcuts exist to sobriety, it must be done one day at a time. The reality is everyday is filled with opportunities for triggers and relapse which seems easier than staying sober. Each second a person remains sober is a choice and the longer an individual is sober, the stronger the armor will be as a shield against the world.


Stamina is an Asset

Endurance athletes show up at the track and blow everyone away, but the few seconds or minutes spent on the field do not tell the whole story. Days, weeks, months and years of preparation went into that single moment in time. Sobriety is similar to a race in that endurance truly matters in the long run, as does preparation and training for the course ahead. Most boxing matches are won because one athlete becomes tired and is overtaken. Once treatment ends, people may have best intentions for sobriety but relapse because the stamina built from weeks and years of sober living (tested by the fires of the world) have not refined the person’s will to remain sober. Building stamina requires pain tolerance, dealing with issues that brought a person to addiction in the first place and then sticking with it even when it hurts.


Sobriety is a Great Teacher

Long-term sobriety can be a great teacher if people let the lessons be learned. Sobriety matters but it is the strength of it that makes the biggest difference. Sometimes people with six months act like better people than those with six years sober living experience and yet others are sober for decades and remain bitter or angry. Individuals who learn the most from sobriety typically exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Show up on time to work and commitments
  • Exhibit loyalty and faithfulness to family, friends
  • Make a decent living
  • Give back to humanity through selfless acts
  • Comfortable in own skin
  • Make others feel better just by being around them

People who are living sober will experience hardship and challenges. Maintaining a focus on priorities and goals will keep a person from becoming stuck in old ways and support a healthy recovery going forward.


Recovery is not easy but there are resources, tools and community available to support people who struggle. If you need help staying sober, call Hired Power to find out how we can support your journey to healing.