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What Happens During Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment

The thought of going to inpatient substance abuse treatment can be scary.  You might not know what to expect and you wonder if it will work for you.  The best thing to take with you to an inpatient treatment facility is an open mind and a desire for change.

Once you enter the facility, you will meet with a counselor or other staff member who will conduct an intake.  You will be asked a lot of questions about your drug or alcohol use, family history, and about your support system.  Once the intake is over, you may be taken to your room where you will “live” for the next several weeks.  You might have a roommate but typically since you are new, you may be by yourself.

You will be allowed time to get settled and you might even be taken on a tour of the facility by one of the staff members.  You will be introduced to various counselors, doctors, staff, etc. and it is okay if you do not remember all their names initially.  You may also be given a schedule of daily activities that you will need to participate in during your stay.  Your time will be structured but you may be given some free time to engage in personal reflection activities such as journaling.  The reason for the structured activities is to get your mind focused on recovery and away from drug and alcohol behavior.

The first night might be hard and it will take a few days to get accustomed to the various sounds in the facility.  The morning of your first day you might be awakened by a staff member who will ask that you dress and prepare for your day.  During the initial few days, there may be someone assigned to you to make sure you attend all groups and other inpatient activities.  

When you attend your first group session, it can feel overwhelming.  There are quite a few people with you and you are the “new” person.  Feel comfortable in knowing that each person in that room was once a “new” person too.  When you attend your first individual therapy session, the therapist or counselor will ask you some questions and it is okay to express your feelings here.  It is a safe place to express sadness or anger and the reasons why you are in the facility.

After a few days, you might be given the opportunity to invite your family to a few family therapy sessions.  For your recovery, it is a good idea to engage family members in attending these groups.  Substance abuse is a family issue and your family needs to heal just as you do.

Over time, the fear or anxieties that you had when you first arrived, will diminish.  Give yourself time and patience to allow the inpatient experience to unfold as you begin your recovery journey.

Our family of dynamic recovery professionals works to serve you and your family through every step of the journey to recovery. Help is one phone call away. From intervention to Safe Passage Transportation, all of the service and coordination by Hired Power is designed to help you and your family focus on bringing recovery home. Call 714-559-3919 today for more information.