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Treatment Center Warning Signs

Not all treatment is created equally. Before you say yes and commit to treatment, look for these warning signs. If you’re having a hard time creating and implementing a plan of recovery for your loved one, call Hired Power today.

No Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is absolutely essential to the recovery process. There are some things which can only be tackled in the confidential relationship between a client and their personal therapist. In treatment, the individual therapist is the spokesperson for their client, guiding them through their treatment and working with the rest of the staff to gauge their progress. Treatment centers which only offer group therapy often aren’t approaching every angle of recovery that they should. Group therapy is effective, but not as effective as when it is combined with individual therapy.

Staff Aren’t Certified At A Master’s Level

Peers working with peers in recovery is a proven way to encourage success. Much of modern recovery was built upon the ideas for sobriety which came out of two men having a discussion- who went on to found Alcoholics Anonymous. Peer support is important, which is why most treatment centers take their clients to recovery support meetings. However, for true clinical healing to take place, therapy and treatment needs to be guided by trained and certified professionals. Ideally, the majority of the staff should have a master’s level certification or some kind of widely regarded counseling license.

Promoted “Proven” Success Rate

There is no standard of success in recovery. Each treatment facility quantifies their success in a different way. Recovery is hard to measure. When a treatment center heavily promotes their proven success rate, it is important to investigate what that means for them.

No Alternative Activities Or Outings

Recovery is about learning to live life again and enjoy it without drugs and alcohol. Though therapeutic processing and treatment is important, it is also important to learn how to have fun again in a safe and structures manner. Clients in programs that are strictly therapy and processing tend to burn out.

Scarce Listings Of Treatment Methods

Addiction is not a one size fits all mental illness. By way of logic, recovery shouldn’t be a blanketed approach to treating it. Treatment facilities who have the answer to recovery, don’t. A long list of treatment methods demonstrates that treatment providers are going to work with the individual to create a plan of treatment which specifically fits their needs.


Choosing treatment can be overwhelming. Hired Power is available to help guide you through every step of the recovery journey so you can focus on supporting yourself and your loved one in a healthy way. Our compassionate team empowers families to bring recovery home. Healing is waiting. 1-800-910-9299 today for more information.