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There’s Always A Meeting, There’s Never An Excuse

We come up with all kinds of excuses to let our meeting attendance slip. With today’s technology and the widespread availability of AA and other 12 step meetings, there is always a way to get into a meeting.

Call A Local Directory

AA Central’s are all over the world. Thanks to Google, all you have to do is search “AA in____” wherever your location and find meetings. AA and other twelve step meetings are available all over the world. Call the local directory for AA or find their website online. If there isn’t an organization, you are likely to find a blogger who has visited the area in their recovery, or a third party website with listings.

Look Up Phone Meetings

Phone meetings are a great way to be connected to the fellowship. On a phone call meeting, you might hear people check in from all over the world in many different time zones. If you’re sick at home and can’t make a meeting, a phone call is a great way to pass the time. You can call into an AA meeting from anywhere, doing anything.

Find An English Speaking Meeting

Recovery is often the inspiration for world travel to many people or brings them a job which has them travel. If you find yourself in a place where english is not the primary language, you can almost guarantee there will be at least one english speaking meeting.

Find Online Meetings

Online meetings function like chat rooms and are available for just about every 12 step program, including alcoholics anonymous. You will find specific themed meeting or open discussion meetings. Online meetings will have more rules and regulations than in person meetings because of the nature of the platform.

Call A Recovery Friend And Have A Meeting

All it takes is two people talking about recovery to have a meeting. Online and at many of your local meetings, you can find a pocket preamble which has all of the opening statements you hear at most meetings. If you don’t have a big book, you can find chapters in PDF form online or through an app that has the book available. If you don’t have access to the internet, all you have to do is pick a topic or share your story. Recovery is always available.

Hired Power works to help your family bring recovery home. Wherever home may be, recovery can find you there. Our compassionate family provides recovery services and recovery planning to help families focus on healing, one step at a time. For more information, call us today at 1 800-910-9299.