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Support Groups Fill a Vital Role in Recovery

Addiction recovery is a process that incorporates many different modes of treatment, counseling, and training. Fighting an addiction involves cleaning up and repairing the body, which has been ravaged by substance abuse, as well as training the mind to resist the urge to follow addictive cravings and temptations.  Often this process involves a great deal of emotional and psychological therapy aimed at uncovering the repressed root causes that drive a person to seek the relief or escape of drugs.  However, one of the most vital tools in the recovery toolbox is the positive reinforcement of peers and allies who are fighting that same fight as you are, right alongside you.


Addiction Support Groups

Most people are familiar with groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) that are built on the foundation of a supportive group environment. These programs are quite successful in the treatment and ongoing sobriety of alcoholics and narcotics addicts, primarily due to the need for every human being to receive social and communal support from other people. So many of our fears and anxieties stem from a lack of connection to tribe or poor feedback from those close to us. We are social mammals, wired to cooperate together and either thrive or perish as a group.

Addiction is a very personal experience. It’s different for everyone and therefore can feel very isolating and lonely.  When you’ve alienated your loved ones and lost your job, as sometimes happens in serious active addiction, a support group can fill a vital role in your recovery by offering unconditional love and support.  The people in an addiction recovery support group are people struggling with the same thing you are; maintaining their sobriety in the face of tempting addictions.  What everyone has in common is the need to know that they aren’t alone.  Knowing that others have their own struggles can be comforting when you’re dealing with your own.  Sometimes a tough situation doesn’t seem so bad when you hear about the tragedies that others have to deal with.


Staying Committed to the Group

Sometimes the addition of a support group to your life can seem burdensome.  Often it feels like yet another stressful commitment or social anxiety.  However, you if you open yourself up to it and commit to being there for those other recovering addicts as they are for you, a real sense of camaraderie can develop that allows each member of the group to achieve incremental success.  

Another aspect of support group therapy is the nature of confession.  Religions have know for a long time that confessing your wrongdoings to a trusted confidant or spiritual leader serves to relax the conscience and free the heart from hanging onto hidden guilt and shame. Confession is part of the support group experience. You tell them about your lapses and cravings, your stresses and heartaches. By sharing these openly (even to strangers), you achieve a form of catharsis that frees your heart to continue facing down the demons with strength and courage.

Addiction recovery support groups are a vital aspect of a complete recovery program. If you would like to connect to a support group in your area or have questions about ongoing recovery, Hired Power is here to take your call at 800.910.9299.