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Self-Care Should Be For The Whole Family

Self-care is an important part of recovery. The recovering individual themselves are not the only ones who get to practice self-care. Everyone who needs to recover from a long day, a bad mood, or just life in general, should be practicing self-care. That means you! Bringing recovery home means bringing structured self-care into everyone’s lives as they make the transition after treatment.

Tips For Manageable Self-Care For The Family

Before starting into self-care where the whole family is focused on doing what helps them heal, make sure there’s a few things off the checklist. Self-care isn’t as effective when there is a bunch of stress sitting on your shoulders. You don’t have to get carried away into a whole list of to-do’s. However, taking care of a few critical items will help you sink into your self-care more deeply and feel relaxed.

Avoid going from busy mode to relax mode in 60 seconds or less. Transitioning into self-care might sound silly, but it is as important as whatever your personal self-care regimens will be. Try taking ten minutes to meditate with an app like Headspace, or doing an activity which helps you be mindful and wind down. You’ll start slowing down your heart, and your mind. Yoga is meant to be a preparation for meditation. This transitional step will be your preparation for self-care.

Ask the whole family what they want to do for self-care. Each person will have their own style of self-care and what works best for them on an individual level. As a family, you can all decide on an activity for what feels best. From family spa night putting on goofy face masks to a family cooking night making a new recipe.

Structure time so that the family can have self-care and each individual member can have their personal self-care time as well. Keeping a family schedule that is too busy for relaxation can cause a lot of stress and leave out room for important bonding. Part of creating that time is getting everyone’s opinion on what they want, and more importantly, what they need.

Hired Power is here to help you bring recovery home, safe and sound. Our safe passage transport services ensure that your loved one gets from point A to point B without a relapse. After treatment, utilize Hired Power’s services for recovery assistants and sober monitoring so that you can focus on family first. Leave the details to us. For more information call 800-910-9299.