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Does Gender-Specific Treatment Work?

Does Gender-Specific Treatment Work?

There is no question that addiction affects both genders. It does not discriminate against male or female. Research verifies that drugs and alcohol affect women differently than men. Often it takes a much smaller amount of a substance to have the same effect on a woman as it does on a man. The effects of drugs and alcohol are often more dramatic on women. Researchers also say that due to the hormone differences in men and women, addiction can occur far more quickly for women than their male counterparts.

For many years, substance abuse research was focused nearly entirely on men. At that time, gender-specific treatment was virtually unheard of given the lack of information about its viability. Even though it was true that women nearly always had more positive and more effective treatment experiences when treated by other women, there just wasn’t enough research done in this regard. Today, studies have proven that given the difference in reactions to substances between men and women, their responses to treatment are also very unique to their gender. It is critical to create a treatment plan that is specific to the individual so that the potential for a positive, life-changing outcome is maximized. Gender is very much a part of the equation and should be taken into consideration when creating the treatment plan.

Personal Recovery Assistants

Hired Power understands the importance of having a robust and reliable support system. They offer Personal Recovery Assistants to be a sober companion for clients and their loved ones. Hired Power believes in the significance of the sober companion being a personalized match for the client. The client goes through an extensive process where Hired Power learns about their goals, their addiction, and their values. This information allows Hired Power to select a Certified Personal Recovery Assistant that specializes in the specific type and level of support needed by the client. This matching process enables Hired Power to offer a gender-specific treatment to all clients.

To learn more about Hired Power’s Personal Recovery Assistant program and all of our recovery services, please call 714-559-3991.