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Choosing Sobriety Over Addiction

When the time comes to choose sobriety over addiction, it can feel anticlimactic. After all the chaos and turmoil addiction brings, sobriety might seem downright boring. The following seven reasons point to why choosing sobriety over addiction is not just for the betterment of the individual with addiction but also loved ones who care what happens.

Pain Ceases

The pain a person feels when addiction is not present can feel immense and overwhelming. Drugs, alcohol and other addictions are used to mask pain. Addiction not only masks pain, it increases the pain and suffering many times over in every area of a person’s life. The only way to move beyond the pain was to quit entirely, get clean and repair underlying causes of addiction and pain caused in the wake of it all.

Desire to Change

When a person wants to change, sobriety is possible. People are harmed by addiction and an individual may not even be able to stand looking in the mirror due to the lies and pain caused. A driving desire must occur that helps a person stay clean and sober for the long journey of recovery.

Be a Kinder, Loving Person

An individual with addiction cannot be a good spouse or parent. Stealing, lying, cheating and focusing on drugs or alcohol is all that a person is able to see with narrow vision. Sobriety opens up a person’s eyes to what’s happened and what is possible without the veil of addiction. Sobriety helps a person reclaim that which was taken away by addiction.

Let Go of Shame

Everything a person does can feel embarrassing in retrospect. Sobriety can be a time to let go of shame and do what is necessary to avoid making the same mistakes.

Remembrance Matters

Memories may be lost due to drinking and using drugs or due to missing special events with loved ones. To be present for the rest of a person’s life after so much time passed in addiction can be a powerful reason to get, and stay, sober.

Regain Respect

Working hard to regain respect after addiction feels like an uphill battle because it is. By giving up addiction, a person proclaims he or she is ready to work hard at earning lost respect with family, friends and loved ones.

Building Community

Providing for family and being there for friends is a marker of a person who is sober and ready to commit to life beyond addiction. Deep down, a person must commit to being the kind of person who can be a good friend, companion and partner. Someone who does not let others down, which begins with sobriety.

Begin by writing down personal reasons to get sober and commit to making changes necessary. A personal commitment is the first step to moving forward and away from addiction.

If you are ready to quit using drugs or alcohol and get clean, Hired Power is here to help. Call us to find out how we can support your journey to recovery. There is life beyond addiction and we can help you get there.