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6 Important Questions to ask to Avoid a Bad Drug Rehab Center

avoid a bad drug rehab center

If you’ve chosen to attend a treatment center for substance addiction, know that you’re making one of the most important decisions of your life. Treatment will provide you with all the tools, support, and attention you need to sniff out and tackle the underlying issues that keep your addiction alive.

If finding the right clinic for yourself or a loved one feels like a daunting task given all the options available, know that you’re doing a good job. Finding the clinic which suits you shouldn’t be a quick process, not if you’re doing it correctly. Here are the essential questions to ask on your visit to avoid a bad drug rehab center:


Do They Have the Proper Licenses and Credentials?

If they don’t have the proper and updated licenses to operate in the state in which you are located, they’re not a good choice—not for anyone. It won’t be hard to find these licenses and credentials. They’ll be in plain view. If there’s any confusion, contact your local addiction recovery agency. If the drug rehab you are contacting has any violations or complaints, you’ll be notified over the phone. Check reviews online, too.


Do They Offer A Variety of Treatment Programs?

Each addict has different needs, so treatment centers should offer a wide variety of programs: inpatient treatment, intensive outpatient, other outpatient services, aftercare programs, and sober living. Does the facility offer medical detoxification, individual therapy, group therapy, life and coping skills, and relapse prevention education? If so, are these programs evidence-based programs, with real data to support their efficiency — or is this a discipline-based setting (like a boot camp)?


Do They Offer Treatment Programs That Specialize in Certain Addictions?

All substances require the same basic intervention tools: a combination of behavioral and medicinal therapy. However, there are lots of different kinds of both, each tailored for different kinds of addictions, different drugs, and different reasons for being hooked.


What Do They Offer in Regards to Detox?

Before an addiction can be addressed, the addict has to get through acute withdrawal. All treatment starts with detox; virtually all rehabs offer medical detox supervision and assistance – medicine and therapy to make the ordeal as painless as possible – but not all clinics offer every kind of detox. There’s rapid detox, extended, and several different medications (some experimental) that can be used for both. Detox is different for every drug, too.


What Types of Insurance Do They Accept?

They should be able to accept many forms of insurance, either private or provided by your employer. (All major insurance companies offer at least partial coverage for addiction treatment, thanks largely to the Affordable Care Act). If you don’t have insurance, or if your insurance doesn’t have good enough coverage, investigate alternative payment arrangements, like sliding scale fees. If the clinic you like doesn’t cover essential services – or if they don’t provide alternate payment of any kind – you’ll just have to search elsewhere for treatment.


How Long Do You Need to Stay in Treatment?

Don’t research programs with the intention of finishing as quickly as possible. Most clinics offer programs less than 30 days, but that’s seldom enough. Addiction is a complex disease and it takes time for an addict to fully recover.

According to the The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), most addicts need at least 90 days to recover. Investing a couple months of your time is worth it. Addiction should never be sidestepped; treatment should be the priority.


Hired Power specializes in helping you find the best treatment for your condition.

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