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4 Phases Of An Intervention

The first step in solving any problem is admitting there is a problem. You’re having a problem getting a loved one to admit they have a problem with drugs and alcohol. When a loved one is struggling with addiction and alcoholism, it often becomes everyone’s problem. Despite the obviousness of the problem to you, the insidious of the disease of addiction has hidden well the blatancy of the problem to your loved one. Denial can be a strong motivator in continuing harmful behaviors, detrimental to both your loved one and everyone in your lives. Interventions can help bring them to the awareness they need to recognize the effect of their choices.

Four Phases Of An Intervention

Phase One: The Assessment

Speaking with a professional interventionist should always be the first step of an intervention. Intervention services shouldn’t include an assistant, an online form, or any kind of paperwork to determine the situation. Interventionists are trained to work with and understand people. Your first step will be to discuss your situation with an interventionist directly to determine:

  • If an intervention is necessary
  • How quickly an intervention needs to happen
  • What treatment options will be best after an intervention
  • What kind of intervention technique to use
  • How to prepare the family, friends, or others who will be involved

Phase Two: Preparation

Intervention is not an episode of confrontation. Successful and healthy interventions are the presentation of a plan which the family, with the help of a professional interventionist, have spent time putting together. Interventions are a process. Parts of that preparatory process can include:

  • Meeting with family members
  • Creating a treatment plan to be offered at the intervention, including safe transportation
  • Discussing and assessing potential objections or roadblocks to treatment
  • Helping family members process their pain

Phase Three: Intervention

The most commonly understood model of intervention includes a room full of teary-eyed, exhausted family members pleading with a loved one to accept treatment immediately. While this is a frequently used technique, it is not the only one. Working with your intervention specialist, you will create the best intervention plan for your loved one.

Phase Four: Follow Up

Many interventionists and intervention services do not provide more than a follow-up phone call or assessment after an initial thirty days of treatment. Hired Power has a 12-month after-care program in which our intervention specialists check in with the family as well as the recovering loved one. Monitoring their progress and staying informed, our specialists are available to help through every phase of treatment.

Hired Power wants to meet your family where you are. That’s why our motto says: bringing recovery home. You’ve done a great job so far. Let Hired Power help with the rest. From intervention services to case management, we’re here to help make recovery a reality for your family. Call us today for more information: 800-910-9299.