People can be triggering for relapse. Hanging out with old friends, talking to an ex-romantic partner, talking to a past abuser- anyone can “inspire” a relapse. More importantly, the self can inspire a relapse. Sometimes in the face of drugs and alcohol, it’s less about other people than it is about internal pressure.
Activities, or lack of activities, can trigger the brain. Slacking on a recovery program, for example, can lead the brain to wonder about old patterns of behavior. Too much recovery without enough self-care can also lead to burnout which could trigger a craving to use.
Locations can cause a trigger to use. The brain takes note of every element which contributes to the formation of memory associations having to do with the pleasure caused by drugs and alcohol.
Cravings and discomfort tend to happen at night. Different times of day could be triggering for different reasons. Time is also of the essence. Recognizing a gap in recovery and asking for help can be important pieces of information for a relapse prevention plan.
There’s never a “good” “why” for relapse. Relapse happens. Simultaneously, relapse happens over time, through a process of triggering the brain to crave drugs and alcohol, as well as happens in a single moment. Asking other questions can lead you to formulate a general answer to why someone relapsed. Ultimately, they relapsed because they felt they needed to drink or use to change the way they felt.
Relapse can be prevented through post-treatment follow ups, aftercare, and sober monitoring. Hired Power provides compassionate services which bring recovery home after treatment. For more information on how we’re empowering families, call 1-800-910-9299 today.