Blog | Hired Power

Monitoring Services: The Relationship Of A Lifetime - Hired Power

Written by Admin | Oct 9, 2018 4:00:00 AM

The path to recovery looks different for every family who comes to Hired Power for direction and support. Some loved ones attend traditional treatment, while others choose to customize a plan of recovery which works specifically for their lifestyle. From treatment consultations to interventions, Safe Passage Transport to Personal Recovery Assistants, there is no single way for us to ever say, “This is how you recover, period.” No two people experience their mental illness in the same way, which necessitates the logic that no two people will recovery in exactly the same way. The path is different for everyone, but the same philosophy tends to apply from one recovery journey to the next: harmful and destructive behaviors have to be stopped, total change has to take place, and then that change has to be sustained.

The Importance Of Sustaining Change

Change is only one part of the equation of recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, behavioral addiction, or other mental illness problems. Change is a necessity, but change is also just a start because change has to be ongoing, which is part of the paradox of recovery. We can’t just change once. Stopping our harmful behaviors alone isn’t enough. We have to continue changing, continue working on ourselves, and continue growing away from the harmful behaviors which have hurt our life. Change can be the motivation to get going and change can also be the habit we create which keeps us going. More importantly, sustained change is what keeps us recovering. In equal amounts we have to stay changed and continue changing in order to sustain our recovery.

How The Family Can And Cannot Help A Loved One Sustain Change

Sustaining the transformational change which takes place during treatment and throughout the journey of recovery requires accountability, transparency, and honest communication. Parents, family members, spouses, and employers of loved ones have experienced the endless frustration of never knowing what to believe when addiction, self-harming behaviors, and other mental health issues are involved in the truth. Our loved ones are not bad people who we need to change into good people. Our loved ones have suffered an incomprehensible sickness from which they need to heal through change.

Too much time can be spent wondering if a loved one has relapsed, wondering if our loved one is hurting themselves, wondering if, yet again, we may be hurt in the process. Though we try our best to avoid selfish thinking, the roles we take on as the support network of a loved one who is fighting for recovery can be exhausting. Simply put: it isn’t our job to monitor a loved one’s recovery.

How Hired Power’s Monitoring Services Help

Mental illness, like addiction, chemically compromises the brain in a way which supports compulsive lying as a means to indulge a negative feedback loop. Recovery has to include multiple sources of reprogramming that feedback loop through unavoidable honesty. Where anecdotal sources can fail, the Hired Power Monitoring Services comes through with data-driven transparency and inclusive communication.

Signing up with our Monitoring Services requires a 1-year contract ensuring that constant communication stays sustained for the first year of recovery. From day one of the recovery journey to that first-year celebration, a huge amount of transformation is taking place amidst all the regular stresses and challenges of normal life. Keeping in touch with a Care Manager on a daily basis helps our loved ones stay honest about their journey, as well as their sobriety. Rather than try to get information out of a loved one, support teams of all kind are included on all communication, which includes information about sobriety. Working with a digital breathalyzer and local urinalysis testing labs, we are able to get real-time information on sobriety. If something goes amiss, there is no hiding or strategizing the information- the whole team is included on relapse, missed testing, missed meetings, and whatever other components have become part of a monitoring program.

Your Loved One Need Never Feel Alone

More importantly, our loved ones have someone to talk to, keep in touch with, and give confidence to who truly understands recovery. Our care managers have experienced the worst of addiction and the best of recovery first hand. They know the many temptations, challenges, and fears which can come in the first year of recovery. By text, phone, or email, care managers offer their clients unconditional professional support along with the structure needed to maintain rigorous honesty.

Monitoring services take the questioning and policing out of the equation for loved ones and their families while bringing transparency and honest accountability to the table. As our clients learn how to live different lives, monitoring services teach them the value of consistency, which helps them rebuild crucial behaviors. In the meantime, the meaningful relationships built between a Care Manager and their client supports the rebuilding of meaningful relationships for others in a client’s life.

Hired Power was created to help family focus on being family and bring recovery home, for everyone. Our dynamic team of experienced recovery professionals understand what it is that the family needs to reconnect, heal, and create a lifestyle of recovery, for everyone. That is why our services are designed to support the journey to recovery every step of the way.

If you and your family are in need of guidance and support, call Hired Power today. We are here to stand by you. Call: 1-800-910-9299.