Recovery is taken one day at a time. With 24 hours, there are a lot of choices an addict or alcoholic in recovery can make, or not make. Every day is an opportunity and a challenge to put the various tools and techniques of recovery into practice in order to stay sober. While it is important not to make addicts and alcoholics feel like they are imprisoned once they come home, it is also important to have a daily, weekly, and monthly check in system. Accountability and responsibility are important for daily life in recovery. Through consistent reporting, you can make sure your loved one is on a steady path of positive progress to lifelong recovery. Daily, weekly, and monthly check ins help with identifying triggers and challenges, finding room for growth, developing a regular routine of seeing therapists, doctors, attending meetings and outpatient programs, or any other necessities for a personalized program of recovery after treatment.
Randomized Urinalysis
Urinary analysis is an effective tool for accountability in sobriety. Once out of treatment, it can be difficult to maintain randomized urinary analysis. Recovery monitoring programs like the one offered at Hired Power work with local analysis centers to observe urine collection and provide analysis. By engaging in regular monitoring, our recovery care monitors make sure the urinary analysis is getting done on time and coming in negative for all substances.
Recovery Reporting
Recovery is full of many different components which is different for every person and their personal recovery program. Twelve step meetings, therapists, psychiatrists, medical doctors, school advisers, human resource departments, alternative therapy programs, meeting with a sponsor, meeting with friends- everything contributes positively to recovery. Reporting on daily activities is helpful for accountability as well as helping an individual realize how important these activities are to their recovery.
Total Interaction
Our recovery care monitors form a personal relationship with their clients, corresponding through weekly phone calls, daily texts, emails, and other forms of communication. Clients provide documentation and evidence that they are maintaining their recovery programs by total interaction. Evading responsibility and accountability are the first signs of a relapse. Our recovery monitoring programs leave no room for evasion and are able to confront a lack of accountability ahead of time.
Hired Power offers recovery management and recovery care monitoring as part of our recovery services to help your family bring recovery home. Our dynamic team of experienced recovery professionals have personal insight into the recovery process, offering the best support possible. For information, call us today at 800-910-9299.