Nicotine gum and the transdermal nicotine patch are nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), among the first pharmacological treatments approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in treating nicotine addiction. Behavioral support, along with NRTs, are used to relieve withdrawal symptoms. Some benefits of this type of treatment include less physiological alterations due to low levels of nicotine, less carcinogenic properties than tobacco smoke and less potential for abuse due to lack of pleasurable effects than tobacco.
Nicotine Gum
The FDA approved nicotine gum in 1984 by prescription in the United States. In 1996, the FDA approved nicotine gum for over-the-counter (OTC) sales. Nicotine gum provides some smokers with control over how much they receive to relieve cravings. Due to the taste and chewing demands, users sought other means of relieving cravings for tobacco which led to a nasal spray being developed in 1996 followed by a nicotine inhaler in 1998. All of the replacement therapies are deemed equally effective with few, if any, side effects.
Nicotine replacement is the primary focus of treatment for many users but other treatments are available. Bupropion, an antidepressant, was approved in 1997 by the FDA to help people quit smoking. Zyban is the name used for marketing purposes. Chantix (Varenicline tartrate) was recently approved for smoking cessation by the FDA. The medication helps people quit smoking by easing withdrawal symptoms and working to block the effects of nicotine if people resume smoking.
Some people choose to pursue behavioral treatment along with medication to stop smoking. A variety of methods ranging from self-help materials to individual cognitive-behavioral therapy are available. An individual will learn about high-risk smoking situations, develop strategies for coping and managing with stress, problem solving skills and seeking a social support network. Research has shown the more therapy is tailored to an individual’s circumstances, the greater chances are for success in the program.
Quitting smoking can be challenging but therapies and medication are available to help. Finding the right program, and even a combination of treatments, may be just what is needed to help kick the habit for good.
For more information on how you can beat addiction, contact Hired Power at 800-910-9299 today!