Acid, by itself, is not considered addictive and does not promote addiction the same way other illicit drugs do. It is possible, however, to develop tolerance to the drug which requires a larger dose to experience the same effects. Reviewing what LSD is and how it affects people can help in understanding whether addiction is possible.
Acid is also known as lysergic acid diethylamide or LSD. This synthetic drug is manufactured from a substance which occurs naturally on wheat and rye. The manufacturing of LSD has happened since the 1960s for its hallucinogenic effects. Typically sold in liquid form or applied to blotter paper, sugar cubes, candy or gelatin squares, LSD is also taken as a tablet or capsule by mouth.
The effects of acid are most prominent on the brain. A user’s perception of reality is altered, causing the person to see images, hear sounds or experience sensations which are outside the periphery of ordinary perception. With this altered state of consciousness, LSD disrupts interactions between the nerve cells and the chemical serotonin (a neurotransmitter). When LSD is taken in large enough doses, delusions and visual hallucinations can occur. These hallucinations may be frightening to the person and create panic or anxiety. Typically called ‘trips,’ these experiences may last up to 12 hours.
Flashbacks can occur when a person uses acid. The individual experiences parts of a previous acid trip, sometimes years later. This can be an unpleasant or even traumatic experience for the individual. LSD use may also trigger permanent psychological problems including schizophrenia and depression.
Most LSD users are able to taper use over time and eventually discontinue using the drug voluntarily. Medical professionals do not believe it is possible to become addicted to acid, however there is little information on the frequent or repeated use of the drug since it is rare to find people who do so. No withdrawal effects have been noted after a person stops using LSD but tolerance to the drug can eventually develop, leading to riskier behaviors and higher doses to get the same high.
While it appears that it is difficult to become addicted to acid or LSD, the harmful effects of the drug cannot be overlooked. A person may experience social isolation, legal and financial troubles or other difficulties due to overuse of LSD. Typically used recreationally, some people are not able to tolerate the symptoms of hallucination and anxiety which can lead to putting oneself in harm’s way. For this reason many people choose to stop using the drug to avoid unnecessary complications.
If you are unable to stop using LSD without help, call Hired Power at 800-910-9299.
We have information and resources available to help.