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What’s an Alcohol Rehab Program? - Hired Power

Written by Hired Power | Jun 18, 2016 4:45:31 PM

Alcohol rehabilitation programs provide treatment and recovery services to individuals with addiction to alcohol. Inpatient and outpatient programs exist to provide treatment services with individual needs in mind. Detox services, psychological assessments and treatment and counseling are part of the program offerings. Aftercare programs or referral for services are provided for people when treatment ends to offer a continuum of care in recovery.


Goals of an Alcohol Rehab Program

Treatment goals vary person to person but alcohol rehabilitation programs design treatment with specific goals in mind to support each person’s recovery. These include:

    • Goal to end alcohol abuse: make personal, interpersonal and psychological changes necessary with help of treatment facility staff which helps individual remain sober.
    • Improve overall health and functioning: alcohol rehab programs aim to reduce future health risks which present challenges when a person has experienced long term alcohol addiction.
    • Treat psychological or psychiatric problems: underlying mental health concerns can occur including trauma in the present or past and events which harmed a person. When drinking stops, an individual will experience a resurfacing of issues which make a person want to quit the program. A good treatment program will aim to treat the issues as they arise while supporting the person to remain sober and in treatment.
    • Re-integrate individuals as productive members of society: a person who is sober needs employment and educational needs met, resolution for legal problems and support to improve personal circumstances, oftentimes, to be successful.



Treatment in an Alcohol Rehab Program

During treatment, each person’s unique needs and goals are assessed to provide the best opportunities for success. Several general steps are followed to support the process:

Alcohol Assessment

Staff will assess the person’s situation and create an individualized program. Likely this will include a drug test, psychological screening and both medical and personal assessments.

Alcohol Detox

The process of detox begins 3-5 days after the last drink. Oftentimes a person will not require medical supervision but medication may be necessary. Medical staff may only monitor a person as alcohol leaves the system (detox services may include referral to inpatient clinics).

Therapeutic support

A key piece of rehab is treating underlying psychological disorders. During this phase, staff will analyze and assess the individual’s mental and emotional condition to creative positive changes and prevent relapse.


Medications for alcohol dependence are assessed individually and will be implemented along with psychosocial treatment. Medication such as Antabuse (disulfiram) may be helpful. Acamprosate and naltrexone can help reduce cravings and acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms.


When a person learns about the damaging effects of alcohol on the body it helps the individual understand how the brain and nervous system are disrupted. Physical and psychological dependence are discussed including theories of addiction to help people make more rational choices regarding alcohol consumption (and sobriety) in the future.

Supportive Services

The final step in rehab is to empower individuals to stay sober through connections with halfway houses, social assistance or medical help. A network of supportive people can help influence a person’s life once rehab ends.


There is hope for alcohol addiction. If you or a loved one want help to quit drinking, call us at XXX-XXX-XXXX for more information.